
NT Defence Industries

One thousand businesses are involved in the Defence market and supply chain of the Northern Territory.

Over several decades the Territory’s industry base has developed and grown to become a key solution to Defence’s wide range of programs and initiatives. More recently this support has evolved to provide local solutions for allied partners training in the region.

Businesses have invested in continuous improvement to better position themselves for Defence opportunities. By investing in quality assurance, integrated management systems and upskilling staff, industry demonstrates a commitment to adapting to Defence’s needs.


The Northern Territory construction industry have proven experience in delivering defence infrastructure projects. Numerous construction firms are experienced second and third tier defence contractors and several have undertaken head or managing contractor role for significant defence projects.

This extends to building maintenance and estate upkeep where a large pool of sub-contractors and suppliers are involved in the extensive Estate Works Program.

The building and construction sector is championed by Master Builders Northern Territory, a key defence industry advocate who have influenced an uptake of local content by Defence contractors on NT construction projects.

Statement of capacity: defence construction industry in the Northern Territory PDF (15.2 MB)


Industry in the Northern Territory has strong capability and capacity to meet the maintenance and sustainment requirements of the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Border Force, offshore oil and gas platform support vessels and the wider commercial fishing and general maritime industry.

Darwin is strategically positioned as Australia’s most northern commercial port, providing pilotage and harbour control systems to support the expanding LNG projects in the Arafura Sea and Timor Sea and highly regarded service and supply capability to general cargo, bulk cargo and cruise ships.

Under Plan Galileo, Regional Maintenance Centre – North (RMC-North), industry expertise will contribute to the nationally integrated sustainment environment, both for Navy’s vessels home ported in Darwin and those visiting throughout the year.

In partnership with Industry Capability Network NT, the Northern Territory Government commissioned a capability mapping and gap analysis of the maritime maintenance and supply sector. The study demonstrates that industry has strong capabilities to service the maintenance and supply requirements of defence and offshore oil and gas platform support vessels in the Northern Territory.

Statement of capacity - Marine service industry in the Northern Territory PDF (6.5 MB)


Significant infrastructure investment by Defence and through the United States Force Posture Initiative has enabled new aerospace capability in the Territory.

Fifth generation air combat capability is now based at RAAF Base Tindal. Lockheed Martin’s F-35A Joint Strike Fighter fleet, along with the imminent arrival of the Triton Remotely Piloted Unmanned Aircraft System at RAAF Base Tindal, bring new demands for Ground Support Equipment support from local providers.

Statement of capacity: aviation maintenance industry in the Northern Territory | Department of Trade, Business and Asian Relations

Infrastructure and logistics

The Northern Territory is a beneficiary of an established multimodal transportation and logistics network. Given the extensiveness of the Defence estate the provision of logistics support is met by aviation, maritime and road transport operators.

The development of regional logistics hubs and other enabling infrastructure will enhance the support available to Defence and defence industry and increase efficiency when operating in the north.

Current enabling infrastructure includes but is not limited to; Darwin Ship Lift, Darwin Marine Industry Park, Middle Arm Sustainable Development Precinct, US Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Port Melville and Equatorial Launch Australia.

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