
Martime Projects

SEA 1180 Phase 1 Offshore Patrol Vessels

The Australian Government, represented by the Department of Defence, is acquiring 12 Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) under an acquisition contract entered into in January 2018 with Lüerssen Australia Pty Ltd.

Six of the OPVs will be home ported in Darwin at HMAS Coonawarra. The Department of Defence issued an invitation to register (ITR) for the sustainment of the OPVs. This ITR closed on 18 May 2018.

SEA 1180 Phase 1 OPVs will replace and improve the capability delivered by the 13 existing Armidale Class Patrol Boats.

The OPV is based on an existing Lüerssen PV-80 design, a variant of which is in service with the Royal Brunei Navy.

Construction of the first two OPVs commenced in Adelaide in late 2018. The remaining 10 OPVs will be built in Western Australia. The first OPV is scheduled for delivery to the Department of Defence in late-2021 with the remaining 11 vessels being delivered at intervals of nine months.

Infrastructure investment to support Offshore Patrol Vessels

Australian Defence Force investment at HMAS Coonawarra

Planned upgrades to HMAS Coonawarra recognise the need to support Australian Defence Force (ADF) operations across Australia’s northern approaches. Darwin is effectively the only port capable of providing the facilities necessary for forward support to a range of maritime operations and exercises, particularly when mounting maritime operations into the region.

Supporting naval infrastructure investment includes:

  1. $260 million - facilities to support naval operations in the north (new outer wharf and enhanced fuel installation) (N2238). For more information go to the Department of Defence website.
  2. $311 million - OPV facilities (N2263)

The Public Works Committee held a hearing in Darwin on 1 May 2018 in relation to N2238.

Offshore Patrol Vessel sustainment

Information for bidders

The Territory Government is keen to work with bidders for the sustainment of OPVs. To that end, the Territory Government has been engaging with stakeholders and has made the following information available:

  1. Northern Australia and South East Asia’s Maritime Industries Hub briefing pack PDF (3.9 MB)
  2. Map of key infrastructure in the Port of Darwin PDF (1.1 MB)
  3. Statement of capacity: marine services industry in the Northern Territory PDF (1.1 MB)
  4. Industry Skills Advisory Council NT’s insights into the defence industries maritime maintenance.

Should you require an alternative version of the documents please phone 08 8999 7801 or email

Industry Capability Network Northern Territory database

Organisations interested in being part of the OPV sustainment supply chain are encouraged to contact the Industry Capability Network NT to register their capabilities or update their current registration.

Information for NT businesses

To assist bidders for the sustainment of OPVs understand local capability the Territory Government is compiling a list of interested organisations.

If you are or planning to provide maritime services in the NT please register your interest in being part of the OPV sustainment supply chain by completing the online form.

For further enquiries please contact Phil Sutherland of DefenceNT on 08 8999 5108 or

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